Workplace Safety: There’s a FREE App for That!
Workplace safety is critical and there are smartphone tools that can help employees. Yes, there’s an app for that and…
Pay Properly or Pay the Price
Small business owners beware! You might be paying your employees improperly and that can cost you thousands of dollars in…
Salary Secrets & Other Business No-Nos
If you have employees working in the same classification under different wage rates, legally and without discrimination, you still might…
When it Comes to Workplace Safety and Compliance, a Workers’ Compensation Policy Just Isn’t Enough
Employers also need protocols in place so that injuries and illnesses are handled properly, and the costs and recovery times…
Decades Low Unemployment Rate; Small Businesses Forced to Adjust
Having trouble filling those open positions? You are not alone! All the data and statistics confirm, this is a growing…
‘Sprains, Strains, and Tears’ Remain the #1 Cause of Workplace Injuries
Sprains, strains, and tears are the biggest cause of workplace injury but other dangers exist. We have the ten most…
W4: A Work in Progress
The IRS is updating its W4 form and significant edits are expected. Here’s what we know so far…