5 HR New Year’s Resolutions Every Small Business Should Make

5 HR New Year’s Resolutions Every Small Business Should Make


As the year is closing, people are starting to look to 2015 with many personal goals whether it’s to travel, stay fit, or eat healthier… but what about setting some business resolutions. With all of the legislative changes that are happening, HR is more crucial to small businesses than ever before. With that said, here are 5 New Year’s Resolutions you should make for your small business in 2015:


1. Focus on the National Labor Relations Act.

Over the past few years the National Labor Relations Board has amped up their regulating of small businesses. So it more important now than ever to ensure your company handbook, corporate policies, and employee discipline and termination practices are appropriate and worded correctly.

2. Start a wellness program.

Why not help your employees with their personal resolutions and help the company at the same time? Healthy, happy employees are proven to be more productive. It doesn’t have to be all about fitness, it can be about limiting tobacco usage, getting cancer-screens, or increasing mental health awareness. Adopting an Employee Assistance Program is also a great thing to consider.

3. Improve your interview process.

Having a structured interview process will prevent you from hiring a candidate that is a poor fit. By developing a set criterion, structuring behavioral interview questions, and training your interviewers your company will start hiring higher quality employees.

4. Get in compliance with Wage and Hour Laws.

You would be surprised by how many small businesses are not complying with the Fair Labor Standards Act, specifically when it comes to Wage and Hour Laws. There are so many intricate details when it comes to employee classifications, pay schedules, tip pooling, minimum wage, overtime, and meal/break time compliance that many small businesses often slip out of compliance unintentionally. So in 2015, make it a goal to reduce your liability and ensure compliance now.

5. Improve employee communication.

The key to a successful company is constant feedback both upwards and downwards. Set processes for employees to solicit feedback from subordinates, peers, and managers. Additionally, it is important to reward people for good work. Even if it is just a compliment or a small gift, reinforcing a job well done will go a long way.

Studies show that only 8% of individuals achieve their New Year’s resolutions, so take some time, set goals for your business, and make them happen in 2015. If you need advice or want to implement any of the above resolutions, Focus HR can make that happen for you. Give us a call at 520-721-6777 and we wish you a happy and successful 2015!

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